Sixth English - January the first week- Who Owns the Water (prose)


                                                                       Teaching of Prose

Standard: VI,

Topic : Who Owns the Water,

Page no : 72 to76

Learning Outcomes: the learner

E-601: Participates in activities in English like role play, group discussion, debate….

E-603: responds to oral messages, telephonic communication in English and communicates them in English for home language.


• identify the new words and understand their contextual meaning

• illustrate and summaries the prose

• responds to information from notice board, railway time table.

• refers to dictionary and suggested websites for input in reading and writing.


• Which season do you like?

• During which season do you see a peacock dance?

• In which season can you see trees without leaves? Name the country where you can find this season

• Which season is now in this time at your area? What are the people doing now?

Guided Reading:

Teacher read prose with correct stress, pauses and intonation. Students will listen silently the first time. The second time they will repeat after me. They study in small groups.

Teacher’s activity:

Before explaining this prose, the teacher also explains the new words with the help of chart. The teacher explains the lesson in simple words through video and online sources.

Student’s activity:

Volunteer students to briefly explain the content explained by the teacher in front of other students.

Concept Map:



Consolidation and Presentation: (Write in order mode)

A small bird used a hole under the earth. She laid her eggs. The eggs hatched and the good mother bird protected and fed her babies until they were big enough to fly away.

A wild Boar settled in a hole under the ground. A pack of wild dogs sniffed the smell of bore. But they realising that there was no dinner to be found there. They Departed.

• The rain came, the hole poured and poured by the water.

• A poor farmer tilled his land near the depression. The land was hard, the Rains where cruel.

The farmer searched the water everywhere. He fell to the ground with gratitude at the site of Verdant Bowl.

He informed that to his village. The village priest to bless their Fortune and the villagers that gathered by the side of pond.

But the Richest farmer in the village told that was mine. all the creatures stopped by to see and they thought "They had something to do with this"

This lesson shows us “The Importance of Water” as water is resource that is shared by all the creatures of the world. We have water in rivers, sea, lakes and on the ground, in the ground. Water is also in the air.

“Who owns the water?” Not a moral, just a thought-a germ of an idea to dig and make bigger. 

• Why did the crowd gather by the side of the pond?

• When did the richest farmer get upset? Why?



Discuss this story with your group. Tell this story in your own words. Say each student a sentence.



• Why did the crowd gather by the side of the pond?

• When did the richest farmer get upset? Why?



What sight made the farmer thankful?


• When did the richest farmer get upset? Why?

Remedial Teaching:

Teacher give oral exercises, reading exercises to late bloomers. They will use internet resource to improve their skills.


They follow the teacher and write exercises. They will write book back exercises… reading comprehension, vocabulary, listening and writing.

Follow up work:

Trees can help you recognise Seasons. How do the trees look different in each season? Write a short paragraph with your own words.

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